80% of South Koreans Consider Crypto a Form of Gambling, Survey Finds - ETF Alerts

80% of South Koreans Consider Crypto a Form of Gambling, Survey Finds

80% of South Koreans Consider Crypto a Form of Gambling, Survey Finds

According to a recent South Korean survey, a substantial portion of the country’s population considers cryptocurrency to be a form of gambling. The survey, conducted by Bernstein Research Korea and sponsored by crypto firm OKCoin, found that 80% of respondents believed that investing in cryptocurrencies was similar to gambling. However, the survey also found that the majority of respondents are familiar with cryptocurrency, with 80.8% stating that they either owned or were aware of Bitcoin. The survey showed that 22.7% of respondents had invested in cryptocurrency, with most citing its potential for quick returns and low barriers to entry as the primary reasons. The survey also revealed that South Koreans are generally open to the idea of blockchain and cryptocurrency, with more than 66% of those who answered the survey being in favor of cryptocurrency being regulated in the country.