A government shutdown could really stress out the air travel system — and its passengers
. Airports could experience staffing shortages due to furloughed government workers, which could lead to lines getting longer due to fewer employees. In addition, the Federal Aviation Administration might have reduced staffing, causing flight delays or potential cancellations, as they will have fewer workers to manage air traffic control. TSA may also suffer from a lack of staff, which could cause delays at security checkpoints and longer wait times for travelers.
The impacts of a government shutdown could also be felt elsewhere, such as the Department of Transportation’s National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, which could have fewer personnel to inspect and investigate auto safety, or the Environmental Protection Agency, which could have reduced staff to enforce regulations.
Ultimately, a government shutdown would affect everyone and cause a considerable amount of inconvenience for the traveling public. With few exceptions, it is generally best to avoid traveling during a possible government shutdown, if possible.