Fox News Poll: Voters divided over what US should do in foreign conflicts
The latest Fox News Poll finds a majority of likely voters think the U.S. should stay out of most foreign conflicts unless our direct security, economic interests, or allies are threatened. Over four in 10 (43 percent) favor a hands-off approach while 39 percent want the U.S. to continue playing a major role in world stability. The remainder (17 percent) volunteer they don’t know.
Democrats (47 percent to 32 percent) and Independents (48 percent to 33 percent) are more likely to favor staying out of conflicts. A majority of Republicans (48 percent) say the U.S. should continue playing a major role.
Voters are also closely divided when asked for their views on strikes using unmanned aerial drones. About the same number — 42 percent and 43 percent — favor and oppose the strikes, respectively, when they are used to attack terrorists overseas. Support falls among Democrats (45 percent oppose, 38 percent favor) and is slightly higher among Independents (45 percent favor) and Republicans (52 percent favor).
Overall, likely voters’ views of President Trump’s policies on foreign affairs are almost evenly split. About four in 10 (39 percent) have a favorable view, 38 percent an unfavorable one, and one-fifth (21 percent) are unsure.