Unverified ETF, Legaled FTX, Blamed SEC and 20 Crypto Jokes

Unverified ETF, Legaled FTX, Blamed SEC and 20 Crypto Jokes

1. Q: What did the cryptocurrency investor say when his ETF was declined?
A: “Oh legaled!”

2. Q: What did the SEC say when it saw all the new crypto ETF applications?
A: “FTX to judgment!”

3. Q: What did the Bitcoin investor say when the price dropped?
A: “Hodl on for dear life!”

4. Q: What did the CFTC official say when asked about regulating cryptocurrency fringe products?
A: “Be sure to do your crypto diligence!”

5. Q: Why don’t digital tokens ever go out of style?
A: “Because they’re always fashionable in the blockchain!”

6. Q: What do you call the people who buy crypto even when it’s highly volatile?
A: “Risk-takers!”

7. Q: What did the cryptocurrency trader say when he lost a big bet?
A: “I guess that’s how the [Satoshi] Nakamoto crumbles!”

8. Q: What did the crypto investor say when the market moved too fast?
A: “Whoa, it’s like I’m riding a blockchain rollercoaster!”

9. Q: How do you pay for things using cryptocurrency?
A: “It’s a transaction of Bitcoin.”

10. Q: How did the blockchain developer make sure all the transactions were accurate?
A: “He gave them an extra layer of hash-checking!”